The woman who made an audio recording of the vicious beating inflicted upon her by a man in St. Vincent and the Grenadines has told police that she does not want to press charges.
The woman told police that she did not want her attacker to go to court as such action could result in him losing his job, a well-placed law enforcement source told iWitness News on Wednesday.
The man, who she referred to as Luke, is said to be an employee of the state-owned electricity company, Vinlec.
As one point, the woman is heard screaming for someone to “help me, please” and the man tells her, “Well, ah going kill yo’ this time…
“The base is set… So one ah we ah dead,” he said against the sound of what seemed to be a vehicle travelling at high speed.
The woman pleads with Luke to “please stop” the vehicle.
The man, however, continues to rant, saying “I could love you, but when it come to my son…”
He ignores the woman’s pleas to stop the vehicle, even as she says, “Look how you beating me up…
“Me, Anesia, Luke,” the woman said, in the only clear clue to her identity.
She begs the man to pull over, telling him that they should just talk.
“Just let me go please. Luke, leh go me hand. Yo’ done beat me up so f**king bad,” the woman said.
But Luke told her that he was not done yet.
She then asked him if he was going to kill her and begged him to “just let me go.”
“Luke, just let me–” she said as the recording ends suddenly.
The recording, which is 4 minutes and 43 seconds long, has been circulated on social media, and suggests that the woman was beaten inside of a vehicle.
It appears that she had threatened to jump out of the vehicle in an attempt to get her attacker to stop the vicious onslaught.
The law enforcement source told iWitness News, on Wednesday that the beating is believed to have taken place on Monday, in the Colonarie Police District, which stretches from New Grounds to Gorse.
Police in Calliaqua are said to have received information about the beating and intercepted the vehicle with the man inside.
The man was taken to the Colonarie Police Station because the beating had occurred in that district.
The woman then came to the police station and police officers issued her with medical injury forms to take to a physician.
The woman later went to the Georgetown Police Station and informed officers that she was not giving any statement as she did not want the man to go to court or lose his job.
She maintained her position after speaking to other officers specially dispatched to speak to her about her options.
In the absence of a complainant, the police were left with no choice but to release the man.
Social and traditional media as well as the Vincentian community online have responded with shock at the savagery of the beating.
The recording begins with the woman sobbing, “Luke just leave me.”
The man then asks her to why she had opened the door, saying that even if the woman had fallen out of the vehicle by accident, he would be arrested.
The woman told the man that she had done so because he had beaten her in the head.
She appears to open the door again and he asks her if she was going to jump out again, and the woman pleads with Luke to leave her alone as he delivers more blows.
The man did not seem to have been deterred by the fact that the woman told him that she was recording the incident.
Luke is a coward POS only woman strength him have. And to you young lady you just hand Luke ownership of you, the next time he’s going to beat you to a pulp and it will be to late when seeking help or justice. The law shouldn’t even wait for you to press charges they should just deal with Luke accordingly and if Luke still have a job at Vinlec and is representing as the face of that company it show that the company itself doesn’t have any sympathy for the victimization of or expresses.
This is insane. She should be charged with obstruction of justice. It is persons like her that make this behavior continue.
Can’t the law in Vincy be amended in a way that this man could still be prosecuted although the woman doesn’t want to take him to court? With all the abuse and beatings and killings of our women shouldn’t there be a law that could override these instances /occurrences as mentioned in this article?Just a thought.
This is outrageous…FEAR IN MY HUMBLE OPINION CRIPPLED THIS WOMAN. SHE SHOULD PRESS CHARGES …and her next stop can be DEATH IF SHE STAYS WITH THIS GUY…I have known vividly of cases of these viscous abuse and WOMEN refuse to take the extra step because of other variables and then ended up in the morgue….statistically speaking I pray she doesn’t become another number added to the list of succumbing to DOMESTIC ABUSE ..LORD HELP THESE WOMEN TO BE STRONG TO FORCE THEMSELVES TO ACT JUSTLY….WE ARE WORTH MORE THAN THIS
What ah fool.
Well this is not the end of it.You fool, you could be dead before year end and I won’t feel sorry one bit .Do you really think he’ll stop beating the c–p outta you?Once a woman beater,always a woman beater.
Heaven help you.I think you just sign your death warrant.
When they have the chance to do something about it, they opt not to. He will do it again because she has given the jackass the license. I hope she has a chance to make a choice the next time.
What’s the point in recording the abuse and then refuse to press charges?
And couldn’t the prosecutor bring charges on its own given that there is ample evidence(recording) to support an assault charge? Wasn’t there a death threat also? VINCY LAWYER what say you.
I think our legal system have to be more aggressive in fighting domestic abuse in vincyland. We as a society have become complacent and also in some respect, complicit, in turning a blind eye to the plight of women in vincyland.
We can do better, we must do better.
As it stands now, it will be hard to bring a case of this nature without a virtual complainant (VC). The elements of any related charge will be hard to prove without a VC.
I do agree with you though, that the laws in relation to issues of this nature should be amended.
If the police know who the perpetrator is, it is up to the prosecutor to bring the case to court. Yes it would be stronger if the victim testifies but the recording is on record. So Police do your job and find this POS
She will get more blows again. #SMH!
Now you feel sorry for him after he wanted to kill you?? Confusing! Get some help woman!!
I wonder why some women, not only in SVG but other countries as well often allowed themselves to be punching bags. I hope that there will not be a replete of his action because the next time she might not be so fortunate to make a recording. I think that once the police is in position of that recording they can proceed with the matter. Apart from the Assault charge, he can also be charged for Reckless & Negligent Act in relation to the manner in which he was driving
Even though she don’t press charges , his employer should do their civic duty and fire this this woman beater. Who wants to be associated with this kind of behaviour. He is a criminal.
Dawm coward. Afraid to loose his job. Ah bet he is afraid to jail.
Girl, you’d soon be dead from all them blows.
The power should be in the police hand to press the charges. when there is clear evidence of physical abuse and not the victim to avoid what happens here .
Oh my! Oh my! Oh my! A man who should be setting a good example in Vincentian Society, is setting the very opposite. Beating a woman is a demonic act! The article did not say that the victim is the wife of the Vinlec worker but the following Scriptures clearly indicate how any woman should be treated. Ephesians 5:25, 28, 29 urge husbands to love their wives as their own bodies. A sane man will never beat up himself. So why should he beat his wife or another woman? He should love the woman as himself. A man should even be willing to die for his wife the way Christ died for the Church/Congregation as Ephesians 5:25 mentions. So I am calling on all abusive men to stop this demonic practice of beating women. Talk out your problem(s) with the women and come to a peaceful solution. Proverbs 15:22; Matthew 5:9. God is our Maker who knows the BEST way to deal with relationship problems. Psalm 95: 6, just as a mechanic who makes a car knows best how the car should function. Men, control yourselves! Do things God’s Way. For that is the only sensible, civilized way to deal with matters.
Perhaps a village trial should be considered?
go vinlec the company where the men will beat you to death and is supported.
She’s used to them licks, he warned her before as he said, what’s the purpose of the recording then, for public sympathy and the listeners emotional breakdown?I won’t be fooled that there isn’t some other ulterior motive….sure it isn’t just the honey in the makeup that soften the ❤, because you’re still bleeding and aching. No amount of love can heal physical pain or injury.. Its the choice you make young later, know your value/worth.
Supposed this woman is scared of her life even if she say press charges he can still attacks her wen or were ever the time come. I would a like she to press charges on him if he can do her so who else he go do so. Some man nah realize woman is there mother all they out for is dem self. Supposed a next man bin do his mother like dat wat will he do or say dat wat I want to kno
It’s very very sad to hear woman like her letting male like him with that mind make her scare. St. Vincent Prime Minister should have something in place to protect victim like that. I had witness and hear so many abuse taking place in St.Vincent. Something has to be done. Humans are not aminals.
Well I know lukianno personally and this is shocking, Went Sunday school together and I can tell you he wasn’t raised this way. This boy never got into a school fight so I wanna know how he become a bad man. Any man who beats up a woman lose my respect. Even if it’s my brother. This is beyond appalling. Thank God that I don’t know of any situation of any man beating up my sister and cousins who are females , they are too strong for these type of nonsense. This young lady you are setting a bad example for others who are in abusive relationship. That’s not a man. He walked in the streets like he afraid of people I’m a 1000000% sure that this is not the first time. He’s just graduating to bigger things. You told him you are recording and he didn’t even stop . I’m sorry for you, plan your obituary it’s just a matter of time if you don’t get out of this situation.
when she told Him she was recording it . . . . . . He never heard that part based on my analysis cause Maybe if He did she would be a dead woman by now
A poor choice on the part of this person, She’s possibly scared, in shock, traumatized. In SVG police mostly only good for beating up helpless people. The Judge can only carry out the law but the Judge is also a mother/ father/sister/brother and should consider the woman’s safety too and the larger consequence in the community. like, suppose somebody decides to take matters in their own hands and do something stupid. The public prosecutor must be a lazy donkey. What about the crime victim’s social services the cops were bragging about it last year in the media? This constant abuse of women must stop or be dealt with stricter. This care really looks as if the police don’t care. It is hard to understand how a man can come to this. I understand passion. But, if the woman you’re with is no-good then you are worse, you deserve a donkey kick in the balls. Misogynist. My thoughts are that the woman recover soon and get on with her life without you.
It’s HARD to accept that this man just walk out free without any form of charges; young Lady please overcome your fear and Testify against Him . . . . . . This is may very well repeat itself and the next time may very well lead to death . . . . . If He knew that this was being recorded before letting you outta his Sight He would have probably killed you. Wake up!!!!! Wake Up!! Like needs Help too; His anger is outta control and very dangerous to anyone he comes in contact with and society.