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The deceased, Michael “Ray” Caesar.
The deceased, Michael “Ray” Caesar.

The man who was found dead in New Montrose on Saturday had a head wound police said, on Monday, adding that an autopsy would be conducted on his body.

Police have identified the dead man as Michael “Ray” Caesar, 57, a landscaper of New Montrose/Monkey Hill.

Detectives were dispatched around 7 a.m. Saturday to the home of Jonathan Tony, an elderly resident, where Caesar body was found in the backyard.

Jonathan along with his brother, Edmond, both of whom are senior citizens, live in the house where the body was found.

Edmond, who appears to have hearing difficulties, told iWitness News that he had not heard “a sound” the Friday night although the did not turn on the radio, as he usually would.

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Edmond said that when his brother came out the house that morning, he came back inside saying that there was someone in the backyard and it appeared as if the person was dead.

Neither of the elderly men went into the backyard, which has a slight slope, but summoned the authorities.

One resident of the area told iWitness News that they had heard someone “bawling for murder” in the pre-dawn hours of Saturday morning.

The resident, however, said that they did not respond because it is not unusual for persons to make all sorts of commotion in the area while walking home from the Friday evening festivities in Kingstown.

Police told iWitness News at the scene that the body had what appeared to be wounds, but detectives did not speculate about the nature of the wound.

Another person who saw the body told iWitness News that it had “gruesome, bloody head injuries”.

Police are asking persons with information about Caesar’s death to call  456-1339 or 457-1211 ext. 222, 456-1810 or 457-1211 ext. 216, 220 or any police station.

“Calls would be treated confidentially,” police said.

One reply on “Man found dead in Montrose had ‘gruesome, bloody head injuries’”

  1. This is why I am very sceptic about coming back home to that little island where there are always some killing or the other and you cant find the killers.

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