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Lawyer Michael Wyllie in a Dec. 16, 2022 photo.
Lawyer Michael Wyllie in a Dec. 16, 2022 photo.
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A Lawyer whose medical condition came to light while representing murderer Veron Primus last July has told the court that he may retire sooner than planned.

Primus’ sentencing was delayed to December after his conviction in July because his lawyer, Michael Wyllie, was receiving medical attention in Canada for a back injury.

“I have to go back to Canada in July for a follow up and if my condition doesn’t improve, I’m just gonna retire,” Wyllie told the Georgetown Magistrate’s Court on Monday.

The lawyer, who walked slowly and appeared to be in pain, said he didn’t want to inconvenience the court.

He asked Magistrate Bertie Pompey for an adjournment of matters involving Devorne, Baptiste of Georgetown.

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Baptiste had five matters listed for hearing before the court, including two theft charges, burglary, criminal trespass and damage to property.

There have been several adjournments of the hearing of the matters.

The lawyer asked the court to serve disclosure on his client again, saying that the papers disclosed previously in two of the matters were destroyed due to a leakage at the prison, where Baptiste was being housed.

Prosecutor Delando Charles told the defendant to “be careful next time”.

The prosecutor further told the court that he was ready to proceed with the matters.

However, Charles said he understood the lawyer’s situation and had no objection to the adjournment.

The magistrate adjourned the matters to April 24.

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