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Nigel Morgan, left, and his wife, Althia, speak to their son (not pictured) from inside the holding cell as they await transportation to prison on Monday. (iWN photo)
Nigel Morgan, left, and his wife, Althia, speak to their son (not pictured) from inside the holding cell as they await transportation to prison on Monday. (iWN photo)
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The man whom a Christian family scalded with hot water two years ago, in what they later described as an act of “spiritual warfare, cried as he spoke to iWitness News on Monday after his attackers were each jailed for four years.

Senior Magistrate Rickie Burnett handed down the prison terms on Pastor Nigel Morgan, his wife, Althia, and their 23-year-old daughter, Krystal, after finding them guilty in a trial that has captured the interest of the nation for its two-year duration.

Cuthbert Victory
Cuthbert “Mafia” Victory sustained burns about his body in the April 9, 2016 attack. (iWN file photo)

The Morgans’ lawyer, Kay Bacchus-Baptiste, immediately informed the Kingstown Magistrate’s Court that she would appeal and apply for a stay of execution of the sentence until the appeal is heard.

But the Morgans and other prisoners would be led away to prison shortly after noon on Monday in a prison van and were taken to the respective prisons where they would serve their jail sentences, pending the outcome of any appeal.

Speaking to iWitness News after the proceedings, the victim, Cuthbert Victory, a 39-year-old construction worker, said he is still suffering from the effect of the burns he sustained when the older Morgans restrained him while their daughter emptied on his back a kettle of hot liquid — later said to be water.

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Victory sustained burns to his back, shoulders, chest and face.

“Well, that is justice. I ain’t satisfy, but wha’ ah go do,” Victory told iWitness News outside the court, where for yet another day in the trial, his elderly father Joseph Caesar was at his side.

“They shudda geh more,” Victory told iWitness News, adding that as far as he is concerned, the Morgans should have been jailed for life.

Cuthbert Victory 1
Cuthbert Victory, left, and his father, Joseph Caesar outside the Kingstown Magistrate’s Court after Monday’s ruling and sentencing. (iWN photo)

The Morgans were tried summarily and the maximum sentence possible was seven years. On indictment, they could have faced up to 14 years in jail.

He said he is still being affected by the burns he sustained, adding that he is having pains in his back, side and hip.

“Right now, this whole side here cramping me though because of this (the attack). Four years? Nah, nah enough,” Victory said as he shook his head and his father added, “We go wuk pon them,” an apparent reference to an earlier comment that they would now take civil action against the family.

Meanwhile, Caesar told iWitness News that he was not happy with the four-year jail terms handed down on the Morgans.

“Honestly speaking, because Mr. Morgan and Mrs Morgan, as mother and father of children shoulda have a better thing with themselves,” Caesar said as a tear rolled down his right cheek.

“Because they have children and I have children and other people have children. And they wouldn’t like anybody to do their children that. No way at all they will be satisfied for anybody at all do their children that. So, I [am not] satisfied, but yet we have to take what they give, because it is the court and we can’t go above. Shoulder can’t go above head so we have to take what they give,” Caesar said.

Crystal Morgan 1
Krystal Morgan prepares to board a bus (not pictured) for transportation to prison on Monday. (iWN photo)

The Morgans were tried after pleading not guilty on April 22, 2016 to a charge that on April 9, 2018, at Hopewell, Mesopotamia, they unlawfully inflicted grievous bodily harm on Victory.

A key element of the trial was whether there was joint enterprise.

The defence tried to persuade the court that the family did not plan the attack.

However, the magistrate noted that the older Morgans had held Victory for the entire time that their daughter poured water on him.

He further noted that after Krystal poured the water on Victory, her mother swung him around as if attempting to slam him again a retaining wall, while her father cobbed him on his bottom.

In her defence, Krystal Morgan told the court that she was feeling ill and was about to make a cup of tea when she heard noises that suggested that her parents were under attack.

“I felt as if my soul left my body,” she told the Kingstown Magistrate Court even as she acknowledged that she could not recall how she left the kitchen on the upper floor of their two-storey house, to arrive on the street, where she poured the hot water on the man.

She told the court that even up to the point of giving evidence, she did not know who it was that she had hurt.

Nigel Morgan jailed
Nigel Morgan, right, and his daughter, Krystal, prepare to board a bus (not pictured) for transportation to prison on Monday. (iWN photo)

In their defence, the older Morgans presented themselves as having been under attack by Victory, who had gone to visit a friend who was the Morgans’ neighbour.

However, they admitted in court that they had attempted to use olive oil on the man while praying for him even though he had not requested any spiritual help.

But the state’s main witness, Clint Antoine, who was the Morgans’ neighbour at the time of the incident, told the court that the pastor and his wife, had been engaged in an exchange of words with Victory.

Morgans jailed 1
A detective monitors interaction between Althia Morgan, right, and her son, at extreme left, at the holding cell at the court on Monday. Chrystal Morgan, standing to the left of her mother in the cell, will also spend four years in jail. (iWN Photo)

He said during the fracas, Morgan placed his hand on the bottle then placed it above Victory’s forehead. The witness said Victory swung his hand and Mrs. Morgan held on to him and they began fighting.

Antoine told the court that the trio continued fighting before the older Morgans subdued Victory and their daughter poured the contents of a black and silver kettle on him.

A video of the incident, which was widely circulated on social media, showed the older Morgans holding Victory while their daughter pours on him what was later revealed to be a hot liquid.

The video was not tendered in evidence, reportedly because police did not secure a deposition from the person who did the recording.

30 replies on “Pastor, wife, daughter jailed for hot water ‘spiritual warfare’ attack ”

  1. I disagree with this decision totally unless there’s some critical facts I’m unaware of.
    Base on what I read [..]. Fact two… Clearly, the incident was instigated and provoked by the defendant.
    Fact three… Marijuana smoking by the defendant was involve and could have impair actions and thoughts of the defendant. Fact four….. Who attacked who first,.. It’s my belief the defendant moved towards the offender and threatened plus used threatening words to do harm to the defender.

    Clearly it seems like the offenders lawyers did a very poor job of representing them. The defender here looks good because he lost the battle and end up on the wrong end of the stick ” where as to public is sympathetic.
    They should have gotten suspended sentences plus order to compensate the victim, that’s it.

    Again maybe I don’t have all the facts correct or in its entirety.

    1. Brown Boy USA says:

      Al, I guess you read part of the story and not the entire thing. Words were exchanged and an altercation ensued, which is a normal course of action for a fight. What transpired with the throwing of hot water on this guy is a criminal act, even attempted murder. What if the hot water had gotten into this guy’s head and face, it could have kill him or disfigured him for life. The Morgan are educated people and truly should have known better and show more restrains as Christians. Not because the guy may be from a poor family and me maybe a weed smoker that he deserved this. What if was your family member?

      1. Lololol it’s me loud and clear without partiality. I’m just exploring every scenerio plus I stated I’m not acquainted with all the facts

  2. the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and wickedness of those who by their wickedness suppress the truth.

    A “spiritual warfare” indeed.

  3. Concern Citizen says:

    Al u for Real u must b A Morgan to…. How in Gods name u holdin down someone to pour hot water on dem…. Suppose it was ur Child…. the facts r there

  4. steven collins says:

    Interesting that even those who profess to be Christians would lie to get off the hook..guess being a Christian which origin has it’s origins in Africa is as corrupt as they come

  5. AL you are a real goat skin lawyer. If this was about an altercation; even if Mr Morgan had taken a cutlass and chopped up Victory he probably could have claimed self defense and gotten away;I’ve seen it before; but holding him down while his daughter poured hot water on him? I am no lawyer but that’s the MO of a criminal gang.Don’t know the legal term but it is beneath human behavior.
    These are the characters who make people cynical about religion. I’m sure they were “saved” and Victory was not.Well they have four years to get “cleansed” all over again.

      1. How are three persons against one person, not a joint enterprise? The “Pastor” could have called the police. The Pastor’s daughter had several minutes to think before she acted. It was premeditated. Then the arrogance of the Pastor citing spiritual warfare. The wife even tried to slam the man against a wall. Then the husband kicked the man. The public is justly outraged. The should have gotten at least five years in jail to think about what they had done. And ordered to pay all medical expenses of Mr. Victory. We are talking about a man’s life here.

  6. nancysauldemers says:

    Are truth and accuracy no longer journalistic principles? C’mon i WitnessNews – I’m once again calling on you to desist using the adjective “Christian” in connection with this family. Would you consider using “sanctimonious” or “hypocritical” or something else of the kind instead, please? Let’s just call a thing a thing.

  7. Brown Boy I hear you and I know people would COME for me lol…… But when being impartial in a case one have to look past the emotions and clearly the comments are very emotional, but courts deal with facts and evidence but also what can be proven.
    As I stated above I may not have all the essential facts of this case but based on what I read in this news forum reporting, certain facts is evident. These facts should play a major role in determining the out come of this case. First as you Brown Boy stated,….. It was a fight , and don’t yiu think it’s very important to know who the aggressor and instigator is in a fight????
    Did the defense use any expert witness concerning the impairment of smoking weed […]????? And most importantly LET ME DEBUNK THE HOT WATER POINT EVERYONE keep using. Who was on top of who?? I believe it was the Victor, so if someone has an upper hand and can potentially cause death to your mother. You are telling me you won’t hit them with what ever you have in your hands at that point to save their life or in the case of the hot water throw it on them to get them off your mother?????
    Did the defense do any reenactment and demonstrations in the courtroom??? Again I have no personal grudge Against no parties here, and I’m only commenting straight on the case as it was written.. So all you people who want to get emotional against me calling me names and saying derogatory comments, you’re not stopping me from put bread on my table and feed my child so go get counseling to deal with your hatred and anger. PEACE!!!!

    1. Al, you keep speaking about facts as reported by us. However, your comment here shows a certain lack of appreciation of basic facts about the case, as we have reported them. To illustrate, you say you believe that Victory was on top of the Morgans. However, we reported that the evidence presented to the court was that the older Morgans held Victory in such a way that he could not move while their daughter poured the hot water on him. It might be helpful to read our stories again. Further, we have edited out of one of a previous and this comment an unsubstantiated and libelous claim about Mr. Victory’s health in the past. We urge you not to repeat it again.

      1. I do agree with Kenton here. Though this entire court reporting was very long winded, the facts of the case were clear. Perhaps, now I see why there is a need for Mr. Chance to really spell out every single detail. I still dont like this style of reporting but I am not minded to understand.

        Al, you are clearly wrong on this one!!!

      2. What’s your problem…. Because I’m not jumping on the bandwagon and agreeing with what you and everyone wants to hear…… First thing if three ppl involve in an altercation and one is holding the other do that mean the wife isn’t at the bottom under Victor who is on top????? All this according to your writing . My observations is impartial but clearly yours isn’t. And you can’t tell me what to say and not to say because the ONLY thing you can do is block me from your forum.

      3. Al,

        We have no intention of blocking you from the forum or to tell you what to say. But it is apparent that you are more interested in supposition rather than the facts that were actually presented in court. What we are especially concerned about, however, is your claim that you came to those conclusion based on our reporting, which is clearly not the case. As per your supposition, “if three ppl involve in an altercation and one is holding the other do that mean the wife isn’t at the bottom under Victor who is on top?????” — that is entirely possible. However, the evidence produced in court was that each of the older Morgans held one of Victory’s arms in such a way that he could not move. And while Victory’s back was turned to Krystal Morgan (we are correcting our spelling of the name), she poured the hot liquid on him.

      4. Mr Chance, I now see why you are so “long winded” in your reports. Your articles accurately detailed the facts presented in the court and a check of them certainly provides consistency and accuracy.

  8. If someone break into your house while asleep and on top of your wife raping her and you have a gun, cutlass or hot boiling water inear you tell me what you will do????

    1. Al come on!!!

      The facts presented to the case shows that the younger Morgan ran from inside her house with the hot kettle. She was not near the “altercation” to even try to submit self defence or provocation as defences.

      Also, to give you a free legal lesson, self defence must be proportionate so yes, many cases have held that if an unarmed man comes at you, shooting him with your licensed firearm does NOT automatically equate to self defence.

      I miss the rational thinking Al. Please come back and lay down your emotions for a while.

      I invite you to read my opinion on this case at:

      1. Vincy Lawyer, you should have been the Lawyer defending all those unarmed black men who were shot and killed by Police in the US.

  9. It is important that we question, whether these people’s doctrines, corresponds to that which is known and what was always regarded as “standard Christian Doctrines” for centuries. My answer is that they do not correspond in any shape or form!

    Why should we be fooled by untrained snake oil sales people? Because they say we represent God!


    So be very care full of how you hear and what you hear and further of whom you hear it from! Become thoroughly learned in the Christian Doctrines before you follow blindly!

    Fundamental issues demand a fundamental study! Read, Read and read again, and do not blindly accept those who come to you, claiming spiritual guidance. Question their credentials in the light of what you have read and have comprehended.

    Sought it out for yourself:

    BE WISE!

  10. Rawlston Pompey says:

    In civil society, people endowed with ‘…reason and conscience’ are required to act with civility.

    While there may have been an element of provocation, ‘…Men of Cloth’ shall know that
    hot water do not remove demons from those suspected to be ‘…demon possessed.’

    It removes human skin, while from pigs and other animals of the bovine species, it removes hair.

    It was obvious that the ‘…Spirit of God did not strive with the family on that day.
    Even so, it is certainly not the way to wage war on suspected evil spirits.

    They shall have foreseen the consequences of their obvious joint action.

    It is also obvious that other than a custodial sentence, the law do not provide for other
    optional considerations, such as the ‘…imposition of a fine or order of compensation.’

    The latter would have been more beneficial to the victim/virtual complainant.

    Never know who might be influenced or overpowered by the devil. Most unfortunate.

  11. I think the sentence was fair, however, a large fine and compensation for the victim would have been fair. Mr Morgan is an arrogant young man and this imprisonment should give him time to reflect on his attitude and humble himself. If someone else had done what he and his family did, he would have been preaching about it and if he had to counsel them would have point blank told them they were wrong and that they should have restraint themselves.

    Even if they appeal the case, they would still have gone to prison. This in itself is a lesson learned.

  12. Amos Greaves. says:

    Compensatory/financial damage could be paid from a civil suit if they are found to be guilty on the balance of the probabilities.

    1. Balance of probabilities? The Morgans held Mr. Victory while their daughter attacked him with a hot liquid and other people were witness to this action. If the Morgans appeal the case then they should get a higher sentence.

  13. Their arrogance shows intention to harm, so they should be given more time. The victim should be compensated for medical costs, loss of earnings, mental anguish and trauma.

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