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The fire started at the back of the elderly man's house. (IWN photo)
The fire started at the back of the elderly man’s house. (IWN photo)
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Police said Wednesday that they have classified as a homicide the death of a senior citizen of Lowmans (Leeward) who died Saturday morning, about eight hours after a fire at his house.

Detectives have concluded that a Molotov cocktail (“flambeau”) was used to start the fire at the home of the man, 82-year-old Berkley Nanton.

Nanton, a cancer patient, lived with his son and grand son, but was at home alone when the fire started.

Police say Nanton’s body was discovered with extensive burns during the house fire about 8:30 p.m. Friday.

He died approximately 4:40 a.m. Saturday at the Milton Cato Memorial Hospital.

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(Read below our initial report on the fire)

Elderly man dies after mysterious house fire

One reply on “Death of old man in Lowmans house fire a ‘homicide’”

  1. Terrible! Who would be so low as to kill an 82 year-old man? What kind of a society do we live in? Where are the Social Values of our society? We must admit that we are a violent people that do not respect other’s property or our society. When someone knows who is involved, we stay silent. Our police are lazy and rarely do what they should be, instead they make excuses of why that cannot or do not do their job. This is not the fault of the police, because they are just not shown HOW a police person is supposed to perform. Go to the UK and elsewhere and see the difference.
    So many crimes are committed in SVG because the criminals know that over 90% of the time they will get away with it, Theft, Rape, Murder…Welcome to SVG.

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