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The Christian Coalition St. Vincent and the Grenadines, a group of church of various denominations, on Tuesday, expressed concern about “the recent reports of rape and sexual abuse” in the country.

“At a time when the United Nations has identified 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence under the theme ‘Orange the World: Generation Equality Stands Against Rape’, it is troubling to learn of the several stories that punctuate the life of our Vincentian society,” the group said.

It said that the most recent cases allegedly involving police officers “are especially of concern since those accused of being the alleged perpetrators are persons entrusted with the security of our nation”. 

Recently, two police officers were charged with sexual assault, one accused of raping a 15-year-old teen who had allegedly left her home to avoid sexual assault.

Another police officer has been charged with raping a woman, who was in protective custody as she is a witness in a murder case.

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The Christian Coalition said: 

“We are mindful that the problem of rape is multifaceted and, therefore, requires responsible discourse as we collectively seek to determine the root causes and mitigate against them. 

“While we encourage the use of available research, the need to particularise the conversation to our Vincentian reality must be underscored.”

The group said that the incidents of sexual assault “demand a reiteration of the need for our women to be treated with the dignity and respect deserving of persons made in the image and likeness of God. 

“To do such, therefore, challenges us to reject occasions where our women are demeaned, objectified and exploited and encourages us to be bold in our rejection of lyrical content in various artforms of that nature. 

“We must also be disgusted and bold in our rejection of our ‘minivan culture’ and commercial entities and their representatives using the woman’s body and sexuality to sell products or gain favours. 

“We are also challenged to consider whether or not the evolution of our society means more of our woman are left alone with the era of ‘walking her home’ or ‘waiting to ensure she gets in safe’ apparently being behind us.”

The Christian Coalition said it is also challenged to find “more and more creative ways and social structures to keep our children safe. 

“While we continue to encourage our children and women to ‘break the silence’, the need for preventative approaches is especially pertinent.”

The coalition said it was of the view that the recent events may provide the administration of the SVG Police Force with occasion to review matters such as the entry policy. 

“Is there a need to implement a psychological review entry component? Is there a need for an updated, implemented code of conduct which encourages and creates an environment of greater scrutiny, accountability and responsibility?

“Our understanding of womanhood, how the woman is to be treated and celebrated and how male and female are to function together is directed by scripture and the dignity and worth with which God created all human beings. 

“The understanding of our bodies as the temple of the living God and sexual intimacy as reserved for marriage between husband and wife are parts of a wider value system and world view that provides the platform for us to be the best nation we can ever be. 

“We are convinced that herein lies a fundamental and practical solution to our challenges and problems — the more we value and seek deliberately to live by a wholesome understanding of God’s Word, the safer our women and children will be.

“We encourage the advancing of this conversation, not for blame or personal leverage and mileage, but to contribute to a national discourse in a way that stimulates greater insights into the problem and identifies solutions. Let us work together to protect our women and children remembering that it is still true ‘righteousness (right relationship with God and one another) exalts a nation.’

“We are committed to continue our advocacy for righteousness, strengthening our various educational and counselling ministries and to partner with various agencies in our efforts to be part of the solution,” the Christian Coalition said.

The Christian Collation was formed recently in response to the legal challenge to the ant-buggery laws in SVG, and held, in November, a march, in Kingstown, to rally support for keeping the laws

5 replies on “Christian Coalition ‘concerned about rape and sexual abuse’ in SVG”

  1. The problem exists in the church’s also. Religious leaders having sex with married people of their flocks. Even having homosexual sex with men, and sex with children and underage youth.

    They never murmured a word when prime Minister Ralph Gonsalves was charged with sexual crimes, nor when lots of women accused him of sexual crimes against.

    In fact some of the religious leaders even attended the so called rape rally.

    So first apologise for what some of you have done in the past, Apologise for failing to speak up and take action against this kind of filth everywhere, at any time, by any person.

    Coming forward now without addressing the past is a direct sin against God.

  2. Vincy in New York says:

    Only “concerned” about the incidences of rape and child molestation, whilst marching on Kingstown to protest the buggery laws?

  3. Our government, being run by the Gonsalves extended family regime, have recently been parading themselves before us, boasting about SVG’s election to a seat on that dysfunctional body the U.N.

    An election to a chair on the UN’s non-permanent security council for a two year stint that so, even though, we continue beg our way around the entire globe while seeking Grant Aid, because we are so very poor we have to beg for our upkeep. How does such a chair help the poor mass in our country I have no idea. It however fulfils the egotistical desires of our PM and his family to be seen as important nevertheless.

    We in SVG are sure concerned about the continuing abuse of women and girls here in SVG. Poverty of mind on the part of some here is quite obviously the cause for this continuing reported abuses. Abuses too is what that dysfunctional body, the UN co-opted soldiers do in poor countries, as was documented recently in Haiti. Our women and girls are always on the receiving end of abuse by those who wield power over them.

    The same abuse story too goes for us on the part of international Aid workers who often manage Aid once posted in poor countries. Ours and other poor countries poverty stricken situation are often exploited by outsiders and our children and girls often come off the worst. Age it would appear are never respected.

    “UN peacekeepers fathered ‘hundreds’ of children while serving in Haiti – including with children who sold sex for food, report finds. UN peacekeepers fathered hundreds of babies with Haitian women, a report said”.

    In the UK “A study by the University of Birmingham found girls as young as 11 were ‘traded’
    After their children were born, the young mothers were ‘left to a life of poverty’ Academic said it was impossible to know exactly how many were impregnated.”

    Our extensive poverty is surely our downfall, exacerbated through poor education on the part of the mass, cronyism, a failed or failing legal system and a promoted macho culture in the society.

    But rather than employ economic models that would eliminate our poverty. Our ruling elites in the Caribbean and Africa engage themselves in enriching themselves while convincing our poor masses that emancipation from poverty could only be achieved through keeping the very elites in office.

    Is it any wonder therefore, that when the governing elite themselves and their agents goes unpunished for their gross crimes, crimes such as theft of the Country’s resources and rape, that others in our poor societies emulate the elites disgusting unpunished behaviours.

    Angola recovers more than $5bn in stolen assets. The money includes $3bn stolen from the country’s sovereign wealth fund, according to the justice minister.

    A solution to theses gross abuses, no doubt remains in our own hands, but I fear may well be a long way off, that is while we remain poorly educated and so poverty stricken.

  4. At least These churches are addressing some things that are important instead of the homosexuality issue that they have lately been obsessed with.
    Some parts of this declaration are questionable. It sounds like they are against beauty contests as well, because part of these contests include the optical attention of a female’s body. Beauty contests are a deeply ingrained part of SVG Culture and the churches best leave that alone. When it comes to all the women in Kingstown that are willing to sell “favours” for money, it is something that the root causes should be addressed: It’s the Economy stupid! Along with that, those that believe crime has nothing to do with economics need to get thier brains examined. A great economy does not mean crime and prostitution will disappear but it creates an environment where it is less likely and does not create conditions where it becomes the easiest way for all the single mothers to make ends meet.
    I am wondering if there will ever be a leader in SVG that truely cares about the people, enough to make the right changes instead of just offering “lip service” and raising taxes and borrowing so they can hand out free stuff at election time. Road cleaning crews is a good way to get some cash to the poor at Christmas time but what about lowering particular taxes and duties so investors will want to invest here. Not just offering temporary concessions of the SKY-HIGH taxes that guarantee no profits, along with other existing problems that are more difficult to alleviate. More jobs would mean these women have an alternative means to support themselves. Production machines for clean industries, along with environmentally friendly materials should have virtually NO DUTY like all other wealthy nations have.


    The churches should ask this question: if they want to find out why so many women prostitute themselves for money and jobs.Why do we create and support conditions that make the people desperate so they do crazy things instead of being prosperous? Why do people have to beg for concessions to import the means to make the country productive? If they do get a concession, the duties are still way too high to allow them to compete with other countries that do not have such high taxes.
    The government should start thinking of the people instead of just the money they can take from the people.
    If it were my decision I would start by announcing loud and clear AND MAKE IT LAW, that from now on certain imports of things that build productivity would be virtually duty free, so we can start getting this country to work.

  5. Ricardo Francis says:

    God gave us agricultural soil to plant food, so that we can have food security.

    Agriculture should be our primary business and not tourism.

    Mass tourism has serious consequences including but not limited to crime and moral decay.

    The laws against buggery shall remain on the books and shall be fully enforced.

    St. Vincent and the Grenadines shall not become Sodom and Gomorrah.

    Those using anti-violence against women to pass and produce this agenda in the backdoor must be living on another planet.

    They want to update our laws in disguise, and sponsoring laws to be updated.

    The trust are agents for the alternative Lifestyle. We are so gullible and uninformed. We are being taken for a ride, right in front of our faces.

    I recommend that every Vincentian, wherever you are residing, to please research: Human Dignity Trust.

    I am very fearless and courage.

    I shall not waiver and or surrender my believes now and or in the future.

    Ricardo Francis, Prime Minister of St. Vincent and the Grenadines in Waiting and in the Making

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